DG Staff Offices
Office 1 – Institutional Relations, Legislative Affairs, EU Policies, and Communication
Director Giulia Amato
giulia.amato@agenziacoesione.gov.it -
+39 06 96517670 -
responsabilecorruzione@pec.agenziacoesione.gov.it -
- Identify and implement suitable instruments to promote synergies between the Areas composing the Agency;
- Ensure coordination, participation and implementation of collective bodies, committees, working groups and alike (both internal and external to the Agency), also at EU level, except for those falling directly within the remits of the two senior-director Areas;
- Liaise with Agency’s collective bodies (Steering Committee; Board of Auditors);
- Perform as Secretariat of the Action Group established to accompany Cohesion Action Plan implementation;
- Oversee NUVEC Secretariat and support officials;
- Ensure central monitoring of Administrative Strengthening Plans (Piani di Rafforzamento Amministrativo – PRA) for Programmes implementation, and liaise with the Cohesion Policy Department;
- Perform preparatory activities on negotiations for review and reform of EU structural and cohesion financial instruments, in coordination with the Cohesion Policy Department;
- Provide legislative and legal support;
- Deal with legislative proposals, regulatory acts and implementing measures within the Agency’s mission; union inspections and parliamentary questions within the Agency’s scope of activity;
- Deal with stipulation of agreements and conventions, and set the terms for reliance on qualified public entities, pursuant to Article 3(4) of the Agency’s Statute;
- Communicate the activities performed by the Agency, including for knowledge dissemination on development and cohesion policies. Promote initiatives aimed at making the Agency’s results and role visible to the public and the media, also through web channels and multimedia communication outputs.
- Enhance the Agency’s image, and its public relations with the media.
European Documentation Centre
The European Documentation Centre operates, in harmony with the Agency’s mission, to provide information, documentation and contact services with the European Union Information Networks and Documentation Centres in Italy and Europe.
Director: Giulia Amato
Telephone: +39 06 96517 766 – 938 – 750
Office 2 – Organisation, Budget and Personnel
Director Teresa Costa
teresa.costa@agenziacoesione.gov.it -
06 96517847 -
dg.ufficio2@pec.agenziacoesione.gov.it -
- Carry out planning, and strategic and management control;
- Formulate the General Directive on administrative action, and monitor its application in the context of personnel management and development policies, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 150/2009 and subsequent amendments and integrations;
- Prepare the Three-Year Plan pursuant to Art. 5(2) of the Statute of the Agency and related Convention to be stipulated with the President of the Council of Ministers (or relevant Political Authority, whereby delegated), and monitor the implementation of plans and programmes adopted by the Director General to achieve the objectives set out in the Three-Year Plan;
- Implement the Agency’s administrative strengthening plan (Piano di Rafforzamento Amministrativo – PRA);
- Devise, project-design and implement quantitative planning, selection, organisation, management and development policies on human resources; manage working relationships with external experts, including those under the Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes falling within the Agency’s remit, including disciplinary measures;
- Ensure staff management, at economic and legal level;
- Manage workplace prevention and protection services in compliance with the obligations provided for by law;
- Interact with trade unions;
- Manage general services;
- Liaise and exchange information with the internal control body (O.I.V.);
- Prepare documents and measures for compliance with regulations in force on administrative transparency and prevention of corruption;
- Issue opinions on the acts that may give rise to litigation, except for those related to Cohesion Policy; support the State Attorney Office (Italy’s Avvocatura dello Stato) within litigations involving the Agency, by drawing up the necessary investigation acts, except for those linked to Cohesion Policy;
- Manage possible disputes (including labour-related), except for those linked to Cohesion Policy;
- Prepare accounting and financial documents for annual outlooks, budgets, and balance sheets;
- Manage financial resources programming and accounting;
- Draw up proposals for allocation of financial resources assigned to the Agency in relation to the objectives pursued;
- Design the budget, and support planning and assessment of the financial objectives pursued;
- Detect and examine expenditure trends, and monitor the Agency’s budget items; analyse deviations and identify causes thereof;
- Liaise and exchange information with the Court of Auditors;
- Manage and coordinate budgetary policies, accounting and fiscal/tax obligations, as well as financial and treasury-related issues.
Office 3 – Information systems and procurement
Director ad Interim Piergiuseppe Mulas
- Plan goods and services procurement, manage negotiations and regulatory/administrative requirements connected to Agency management and implementation of projects entrusted to Managing Authorities;
- Ensure operation and adequacy of Agency’s IT systems; define ICT evolution lines for development, implementation and management, consistently with the policy objectives pursued, the Agency’s institutional competences, and its Areas’ knowledge needs;
- Perform Beneficiary Office and Relevant Office functions for implementing Governance and Technical Assistance 2007-2013 NOP and projects financed by the relevant Cohesion Action Programme.
Office 4 – Managing Authority for National Operational Programmes on Metropolitan Cities
Director Giorgio Martini
giorgio.martini@agenziacoesione.gov.it -
06 96517723 -
- Deal with the Managing and/or Coordinating Authorities of the National Operational Programme on Metropolitan Cities (PON Metro) co-financed with EU resources, and related Cohesion Action Programmes managed by the Agency;
- Support the Agency’s Offices on thematic issues related to Metropolitan Cities or priorities and Thematic Objectives identified in the National Programming Documents of the Funds (within EU programming periods), in coordination with the National Thematic Coordination Committees;
- Implement activities for the exercise of Beneficiary functions for projects managed by the Agency and financed by the National Operational Programme on Metropolitan Cities and related Cohesion Action Programmes;
- Take part in the National Coordination Committees on Metropolitan Cities;
- Support the activities linked to the European Urban Agenda.
Office 5 – Managing Authority on National Operational Programmes aimed at administrative capacity building and technical assistance
Director Carla Cosentino
carla.cosentino@agenziacoesione.gov.it -
06 96517779 -
- Carry out activities connected to Beneficiary role exercise (not assigned to other Office) for projects managed by the Agency and financed with resources from National Operational Programmes on governance, institutional capacity and technical assistance, and related Cohesion Action Programmes;
- Perform Managing and/or Coordinating Authority functions for National Operational Programmes on governance, institutional capacity and technical assistance co-financed with EU resources, and related Cohesion Action Programmes managed by the Agency;
- Support the Agency’s Offices on thematic issues linked to governance, institutional capacity and technical assistance within the priorities and Thematic Objectives identified in the National Programming Documents of the Funds, also in concert with National Thematic Coordination Committees;
- Take part in National Coordination Committees on governance, institutional capacity and technical assistance.