
The National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS)

The National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS) identifies long-term investment priorities shared with the Regions and main stakeholders, ensuring complementarity between the actions planned at central and territorial level, respectively, so as to reduce the duplication and/or overlap risks and strengthen their impacts. The objective is to create new value chains that, starting from R&D, will reach the generation of innovative products and services and development of key enabling technologies for creation of subsequent generations of products aiming to increase wealth, improve its distribution and bet on the possibility of creating new jobs that can last over time.


Thematic Areas Development trajectories
Smart and sustainable industry, energy and environment
Innovative, highly efficient production processes for industrial sustainability
Evolutionary and adaptive production systems for customised production
Innovative and environmentally friendly materials
Technologies for biomaterials, biobased products and biorefineries
Systems and technologies for reclaiming contaminated sites and decommissioning nuclear plants
Water and waste treatment systems and technologies
Technologies for smart grids, renewable sources and distributed generation
Health, nutrition, quality of life
Active & healthy ageing: technologies for active ageing and home care
E-health, advanced diagnostics, medical devices and minimal invasiveness
Regenerative, predictive and personalised medicine
Biotechnology, bioinformatics and pharmaceutical development
Development of precision agriculture and agriculture of the future
Systems and technologies for packaging, preservation and traceability and safety of food production
Nutraceuticals, Nutrigenomics, and Functional Foods
Digital Agenda, Smart Communities, Smart Mobility Systems
Smart Urban Mobility, Systems for logistics and people
Systems for urban environment safety, environmental monitoring and prevention of critical events or risks
“Embedded” electronic systems, smart sensor networks, internet of things
Technologies for smart building, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability
Technologies for dissemination of ultra-broadband connection and web economy
Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Creative Industry
Industry systems and applications for tourism, access to culture, and attractiveness of Made in Italy products
Technologies and applications for conservation, management and enhancement of cultural, artistic and landscape heritage
Technologies for advanced design and digital craftsmanship
Technologies for audio-video productions, gaming and digital publishing

Aerospace and Defense

Reducing environmental impact (green engine)
Advanced avionics in the field of hw module networks and man-machine interface
Advanced air traffic management system
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for civil use and ULM (Ultra-Léger Motorisé)
Space robotics, for in-orbit service operations and exploration missions
Earth observation systems in the field of missions, instruments and data processing
Launchers and electric propulsion for more efficient space access and re-entry vehicles
Systems and technologies for military shipbuilding

The Strategy is implemented through direct initiatives of the NOP “Ricerca & Innovazione” (R&I) and the NOP “Imprese & Competitività” (I&C) and through strategic plans where public Cohesion Policy resources, ordinary national/regional resources and private resources can converge.