Space Economy Strategic Plan
The Space Economy Strategic Plan is the result of the work performed by the “Cabina di Regia Spazio” (ad-hoc governing body on space-related issues), i.e. the initiative promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to define a national policy in the space sector.
The Space Economy is the value chain that, starting from research, development and implementation of enabling space infrastructures (so-called “upstream”, i.e. the pillars of the Space Industry), reaches the generation of “enabled” innovative products and services (so-called “downstream”: telecommunications, navigation and positioning services, environmental monitoring, weather forecast).
The Plan defines the strategic lines of intervention that will enable Italy to make the national space sector one of the driving forces of the Country’s new growth. The Plan is also proposed as a first implementation example of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy, in response to the request of the European Commission to programme Structural Funds based on a single integrated strategy, ranging from research to production.
One of the primary objectives of the Strategic Plan lies in promoting the integration of national space programmes and national/regional development and cohesion policies into a single system action, gathering the objectives and strengths of regions interested in the spillover effects of the Space Economy on their respective territories.