The Public Consultation
Consultazioni concluse
BIT – Bioeconomy in Italy
The Italian Bioeconomy Strategy is promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The following institutions are involved in its definition and implementation: Ministry for Economic Development (co-coordination); Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies; Ministry for Education, University and Research; Ministry for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea; Conference of Italian Regions; Territorial Cohesion Agency; and National Technology Clusters for Green Chemistry (SPRING) and the agri-food sector (CLAN).
The consultation aims at enabling citizens and public/private stakeholders to become familiar with the contents of the Strategy and make comments and suggestions, also on new and additional elements.
The deadline for sending contributions to was 23 December 2016.
English is the official language of the Strategy. A courtesy translation into Italian is provided.
Any proposals to modify the text must be provided in English, to ensure maximum effectiveness of the contributions sent. Comments and remarks may be submitted both in Italian and English.
All contributions received will be published at the end of the consultation phase, unless there is express request for non-disclosure.
To support the processing and analysis of data resulting from the consultation process, a questionnaire is provided to collect comments and remarks.
Result of consultation
Based on the results of the public consultation (open for 30 days: 22 November – 23 December 2016), the new text of the Strategy is published together with the contributions received, summarised in tables, with direct access to each document transmitted.
We would like to thank private citizens, associations, universities and research institutes, organisations and Public Administrations that, through their participation, have enriched the Italian Bioeconomy Strategy.