Countering educational poverty – Access to funding
From 12:00 noon today (12 November 2020), applications for the selection of proposals may be submitted to receive resources granted by the Development and Cohesion Fund to counter educational poverty. Applications must be received no later than 12:00:00 noon on 12 January 2021. The forms provided for in the Notice must be filled up correctly and exhaustively, using exclusively the Portal:
PLEASE NOTE: Any questions or requests for clarifications on public notices for submission of projects to counter educational poverty in Southern Regions, and Lombardy and Veneto, or requests for information on the electronic procedure for submission of project proposals in the platform must be transmitted exclusively via e-mail to the following address:
To enable for prompt feedback to all requests for information and/or clarifications, please indicate “request for information on electronic procedure” or “other requests for clarification” in the subject line, depending on whether the request concerns clarifications on the electronic procedure or questions on notices and annexes, or eventually indicate both requests in the subject line if the information concerns both cases. This will enable identifying and promptly responding to the requests through dedicated support services.
Requests for clarification and related responses will be periodically published in a special FAQ section, for the benefit of all potential applicants.
Requests for clarification may be sent no later than 10 days after the deadline for submission of project proposals.
Mr. Vincenzo Bruni is in charge of managing the procedure.