
“Città Metropolitane” NOP

The “Città Metropolitane” NOP 2014-2020 (“PON Metro”) is a consolidated national operational programme of interventions aimed at sustainable urban development. Unique in the European programming panorama, the “Metro” NOP is driven by the Europe 2020 strategy for growth and employment and relies on at least 5% of EU resources allocated by the ERDF to urban development programmes with management delegation to city authorities. The Programme, approved by the European Commission on 14 July 2015, has a budget of over €800 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). The Programme’s area of intervention covers Italy’s 14 metropolitan cities (Turin, Milan, Genoa, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Bari, Reggio Calabria, Cagliari, Catania, Messina, Palermo), with a distribution of resources equal to about €90 million for each city in Southern Italy and about €40 million for cities in Central and Northern Italy.

The development idea aims at implementing strong national synergies by safeguarding and enhancing the project-designing activities of individual cities around 4 main themes: digital agendasustainability of public services (energy and environment) and urban mobilityinnovation and social inclusion. The Programme focuses on areas directly impacting citizens’ lives through interventions and projects identified by the 14 metropolitan cities and selected consistently with in-depth analysis of the needs of the territories addressed.

The “Metro” NOP relies on a fully innovative approach: through a delegation act signed by the Managing Authority, the capital cities (Urban Authorities) acting as Intermediate Bodies, are directly in charge of the economic resources, functions and responsibilities of the actions implemented.

While, on the one hand, the action of metropolitan cities is directly guaranteed by Urban Authorities, on the other hand the coordination at national level and between the various levels of government is ensured by the Managing Authority, the Technical Secretariat and the Working Groups involved in the various thematic areas. This model enables for ongoing dialogue between cities, the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), guaranteeing innovative joint project-designing, multi-level governance and strategic planning of the territories addressed by urban policies. In this scenario, the “Metro” NOP can be considered an indispensable and proactive actor in the activation of participatory processes, with common intervention models that enable, in a joint and systemic way, facing the challenges involving several territorial contexts in line with the European Urban Agenda and the National Urban Agenda.

Website: “Città Metropolitane” NOP

Twitter: @ponmetro1420


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