
The “Governance e Capacità Istituzionale” 2014 – 2020 NOP

Stronger public administration, also at territorial level, in view of better implementation effectiveness of 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy

The National Operational Programme on Governance and Institutional Capacity is one of the Cohesion Policy instruments devised for the 2014-2020 cycle, financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.

Managed by the Territorial Cohesion Agency together with the Department for Public Administration and the Ministry of Justice, #pongov supports the implementation of strategic priorities in the field of public administration enhancement and innovation.

The funded interventions concern skills, organisational and service provision methods and procedures, technological tools and solutions, as well as institutional cooperation forms with the aim of moving towards a Public Administration that is more efficient, more effective and closer to territories, citizens and businesses.

The Programme has a current budget of over €2,490 million, including EU (European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund) and national resources. With the accession of #pongov to the REACT-EU initiative, the initial €805 million budget was supplemented with €1,285 million in 2021 and with a further €400 million in 2022, respectively.

Preserving its strategic aims focussed on administrative and institutional capacity enhancement through REACT-EU resources, #pongov is aimed at strengthening public health structures organisation, improving population’s capacity to respond to the pandemic, and developing public administrations’ administrative capacity, primarily at territorial level, also with a view to the transition to the 2021-2027 programming cycle.

Managing Authority of the “Governance e Capacità Istituzionale” 2014-2020 NOP

Via Sicilia 162/c – 00187 Rome

Information and Communication Unit +39 06.96517820-606






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