
The Task Forces

The Territorial Cohesion Agency provides local authorities with supervisory and accompanying actions through ad-hoc task forces operating consistently with the Agency’s institutional mission aimed at supporting, promoting and accompanying, based on efficiency and effectiveness criteria, programmes and projects for development and economic cohesion:

  • Task Force Edilizia Scolastica (TFES)
  • Task Force Edilizia Scolastica – Sisma
  • Task Force Sicilia.

Task Force Edilizia Scolastica (TFES)

In light of its success, the “Task Force Edilizia Scolastica (TFES)” Project (School Building Task Force) was reproposed in the programming cycle 2014-2020. As from May 2017 it has been supported within the Action and Cohesion Programme complementing the 2014-2020 “Governance & Capacità Istituzionale” NOP.

The TFES relies on experienced engineers and architects selected via public procedures, endowed with extensive experience in public procurement and building sector project-designing (school building and post-earthquake). The Task-Force teams are organised into on-site regional working groups operating in close collaboration with relevant institutional subjects (regional and local authorities in charge of school buildings: Provinces, Metropolitan Cities, Municipalities) to attain complete and timely implementation of interventions.

Map of Italian Regions involved in the TFES

Through meetings at local government offices and inspections at school buildings, the TFES provides operational support to those responsible for implementation, in order to:

  • Detect critical issues (procedural, technical and administrative) that prevent or slow down timely implementation of interventions
  • Identify possible solutions to remove obstacles to implementation
  • Foster interinstitutional liaising, primarily between central/regional administrations and local authorities.

TFES activities are supported and systematised by a Memorandum of Understanding signed in June 2016 by the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the Project partners: Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), and the Regions involved to date: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Veneto and Umbria.


Memorandum of Understanding between the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the National Association of Italian Municipalities, the Union of Italian Provinces, and the Regions, for follow-up and further development of an institutional collaboration programme speeding up the implementation of school building interventions by entrusting the “Task Force Edilizia Scolastica” (School Building Task Force) to oversee such interventions and accompany beneficiary bodies (19 March 2020).

Memorandum of Understanding between the President of the Council of Ministers – Minister for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (23 December 2019).

Memorandum of Understanding setting up an institutional collaboration programme to speed up the implementation of school building interventions by entrusting the ad-hoc Task Force (“Task Force Edilizia Scolastica”) to oversee such interventions and accompany beneficiary bodies.

Task Force Edilizia Scolastica – Sisma

On 21 March 2019 a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the Government-appointed Extraordinary Commissioner for reconstruction in the territories hit by earthquakes as from 24 August 2016.

The collaboration programme is aimed at developing the pre-agreed actions, operationally supporting and enhancing governance on the implementation of school building reconstruction interventions in the territories hit by earthquakes as from 24 August 2016, in coordination with the relevant Vice-Commissioners and regional authorities in charge of development programmes in such territories, insofar as they are concerned.

The successful collaboration ensured by the Agency led to re-establishing (as from July 2019) the “Task Force Edilizia Scolastica” – Sisma” (“School Building Task Force – Earthquake”) to support and complement the activities performed by the “USR – Uffici Speciali per la Ricostruzione” (Special Units for Reconstruction) in the territories of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria Regions, and the Special Unit of the Government-appointed Extraordinary Commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction.

Memorandum of Understanding – Earthquake

Task Force Sicilia

The “Task Force Sicilia” (“Task Force for Sicily”) was established following the Enhanced Cooperation Agreement signed by the Sicilian Region, the European Commission and the Territorial Cohesion Agency and transmitted on 16 July 2018.

The above cooperation agreement provided for an array of actions aimed at supporting full and timely implementation of the ERDF ROP 2014-2020 and achieving the related objectives. On 01.08.2018, via Decree issued by the pro-tempore Director General of the Agency, the Task Force was established, providing for direct involvement of eight members of NUVEC and two officials of the Agency, with possible involvement of other offices on a case-by-case basis.

The Task Force set up several meetings in Palermo with the Authority coordinating the Managing Authorities and the departments involved in OP implementation.

The first meeting was held on 17 July (pending the formalisation of the Task Force), followed by another meeting on 2 August, and further bilateral meetings at single departments on 5-14 September to assess expenditure forecasts and activate possible acceleration actions.

The main dossiers examined include:

  • Reprogramming, and national co-financing reduction
  • Agrigento-Caltanissetta major project reporting
  • Ultra-Broad Band (UBB) works reporting
  • Guarantee Fund activation
  • Smart grid projects activation by MISE, with Enel and Terna
  • School building projects via EIB loans: reporting assessment
  • Assessment (via BDAP) of OP-consistent projects for reporting.