The Committees
Committee for supervision and support of 2014-2020 OPs implementation
The Partnership Agreement (Section 2.1) provides for establishment of the Committee for supervision and support of 2014-2020 Operational Programmes (OPs) implementation (“Comitato con funzioni di sorveglianza e accompagnamento dell’attuazione dei Programmi 2014-2020”) composed of representatives from all the central administrations in charge of funds and/or transversal priorities, and all managing authorities of regional and national OPs. The Committee may include socio-economic partnerships providing that they are fully consistent with the European Code of Conduct on Partnership, with possible thematic substructures.
The Mezzogiorno Subcommittee
Established by Art. 4 of the Decree establishing the Committee for supervision and support of 2014-2020 OPs implementation (27 June 2016), the Mezzogiorno Subcommittee (“Sottocomitato Mezzogiorno”) is jointly chaired by the Cohesion Policy Department (Presidency of the Council of Ministers) and the Territorial Cohesion Agency.
Decree No. 4/2016 – Subcommittee composition
The Monitoring and Control Subcommittee
The Monitoring and Control Subcommittee (“Sottocomitato per il Monitoraggio e il Controllo”) was established via Decree issued by the Head of the Cohesion Policy Department and the Director General of the Territorial Cohesion Agency, 27 June 2016 (Art. 4).
The Subcommittee is chaired by the Chief Inspector-General of IGRUE (General Inspectorate for Financial Relations with the European Union of the Ministry of Economy and Finance) and the Director General of the Territorial Cohesion Agency. The Subcommittee coordinates monitoring and control of 2014-2020 Operational Programmes and guarantees enhanced central supervision over correct and effective functioning of management and control systems (so-called Si.Ge.Co.). The composition of the Subcommittee is established by Decree No. 3/2016 issued by IGRUE Chief Inspector-General and the Director General of the Territorial Cohesion Agency.