The Agency’s bodies
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Artt. 50 e 51 DECRETO-LEGGE 24 febbraio 2023, n. 13 – Disposizioni urgenti per l’attuazione del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (PNRR) e del Piano nazionale degli investimenti complementari al PNRR (PNC), nonché per l’attuazione delle politiche di coesione e della politica agricola comune.
The Director General
The Director General is the legal representative of the Territorial Cohesion Agency, in charge of managing and implementing the objectives set out in the guidance and planning documents issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (or by the political authority, whereby delegated). In particular, the Director General takes care of relations and liaising with national, European and international institutions and public administrations, as well as regional authorities and local autonomies, in harmony with the purposes and guidelines set out in Articles 1 and 2 of the Agency’s Statute. By 31 January each year, following consultation with the Agency’s Steering Committee, the Director General submits to the President of the Council of Ministers a three-year plan updated on an annual basis, laying down the objectives, expected results, scope, and terms/conditions of the funds to be entrusted to the Agency. The three-year plan furthermore sets out service enhancement strategies, management result analysis devices, and procedures for notifying the President of the Council of Ministers (or the political authority, whereby delegated) of Agency’s internal management issues (organisation, processes, use of resources). Defined via an ad-hoc covenant between the President of the Council of Ministers (or the political authority, whereby delegated) and the Director General of the Agency, the plan is notified on the occasion of the “Permanent Conference for relationship between the State, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano”.
For further information, click here
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”, is appointed via decree issued by the President of the Council of Ministers (or the political authority, whereby delegated).
Chaired by the Director General of the Agency, the Committee also consists of four members, including two executives from the Agency’s main sectors of activity and two representatives from the territorial authorities designated by the “Unified Conference” (one representing regional authorities and the other representing local authorities, respectively).
The members of the Committee remain in office for three years. Their mandates may be renewed only once and shall not involve any form of compensation. The members designated by the “State-Regions Conference” and by the “State-City Conference” may not carry out any activity connected to the tasks performed by the Agency or by other entities that support the Agency in performing its institutional tasks. Members that, for any reason, have ceased their own mandate shall be replaced in accordance with the same procedures applied for their appointment. The Committee manages its work in compliance with the organisational provisions regulating the Agency.
Decree on Committee amendment
Decree on Committee renewal
Decree on Committee appointment
The Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors, hereinafter “the Board”, is appointed via decree issued by the President of the Council of Ministers (or by the political authority, whereby delegated). Pursuant to Article 16 of Law No. 196 dated 31 December 2009, the Board of Auditors is composed of a Chair (appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers), plus two members, one designated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the other by the “Permanent Conference for the relationship between the State, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano”, respectively.
The members of the Board are either singled out in the Register of Statutory Auditors or selected among professionals that fulfill adequate requisites. An alternate member is also appointed. The members of the Board remain in office for three years and may only be reconfirmed once. The fees paid to the members of the Board are established via decree issued by the President of the Council of Ministers, in cooperation with the Minister of Economy and Finance, and are charged onto the Agency’s budget.
As per Article 2399 of the Italian Civil Code, the members of the Board of Auditors shall not participate, in any way whatsoever, in activities linked to the institutional tasks performed by the Agency or by other entities carrying out tasks however connected to the Agency’s activities.