

The Territorial Cohesion Agency is a national public agency under direct supervision of the President of the Council of Ministers.
The Agency promotes economic development and cohesion, enhancing interinstitutional cooperation and strategic partnerships between the parties involved, so as to bridge territorial gaps across the Country and strengthen the administrative capacity of public entities.

In compliance with this mission, the Agency is committed to providing support for implementation of EU and national programmes through accompanying actions addressed to central and regional governments in charge of OPs and to their related beneficiary entities, notably at local level.

The Agency is first and foremost an ally of central, regional and local authorities in implementing Cohesion Policy, central pillar of both European and national policy.

The actions undertaken by the Agency always focus on citizens, enterprises and local authorities. The commitments and ethical responsibilities ensured in performing its institutional activities are laid down in the Agency’s Code of Conduct and Charter of Values.


Professionalism and innovation

The Agency undertakes to enhance funds accessibility, via method and process innovation, research and experimentation within specific programmes and projects, and sharing its professionalism and know-how with the public administrations involved.


The Agency’s action is aimed at promoting timely implementation and communication of achieved results. To such end, the Agency actively supports models based on mutual trust between EU institutions, the Italian State, and the other administrations in charge of Operational Programmes, as well as interpretation and sharing of information with all project parties.

Impartiality and integrity

The Agency carries out its administrative action in compliance with the principles of impartiality and integrity, with primary focus on the areas exposed to higher risks of corruption, e.g. inspection and evaluation of projects funded by the Agency.


The Agency ensures context-sensitive, comprehensive and comprehensible information, enabling all Cohesion Policy actors to make informed decisions within their specific tasks and responsibilities, best manage their interactions with the Agency, and verify consistency between the objectives pursued and the results achieved. Similarly, the Agency’s employees and collaborators taking part in its institutional mission are called to adopt transparency-inspired behaviours.


In performing its institutional activities, the Agency pays utmost attention to the economic resources used, while ensuring suitable quality standards of services. In programming, implementing and monitoring the projects funded by the Agency, its employees and collaborators always perform responsibly so as to attain the pursued objectives in compliance with the pre-established terms and timetables, aware of their commitment to the community.


The employees and collaborators of the Agency implement and steer their activities with a view to enhancing the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of funded projects, whether implemented directly by the Agency or through public administrations benefiting of its support.

Fairness and integrity

The Agency’s activity constantly complies with current laws in force, professional ethics and internal regulations.

Honesty and loyalty

The Agency’s employees and collaborators implement and steer their activities responsibly, honestly and loyally, refraining from pursuing personal gain.

Ethics in external and internal relations

All parties, employees and collaborators of the Agency undertake to ensure ethical, dignified, respectful and correct conducts, within all relations with internal and external stakeholders, on all public and private occasions.

Respect for persons

The Agency ensures respect for persons and their dignity, counters all forms of discrimination, and promotes intellectual and moral honesty, dignity, fairness and loyalty within the personal and professional relationships of all employees and collaborators in all and any activity performed.
