
Inspectorate-General for Financial Relations with the European Union – IGRUE (sole accounting centre for management of all resources)

The Inspectorate-General for Financial Relations with the European Union (IGRUE) manages the Revolving Fund for implementation of national policies, set up at the Ministry of Economy and Finance – State General Accounting Department (Law No. 183/1987).

IGRUE performs such activity through separate treasury current accounts – one relating to EU Structural Funds, and the other to their national co-financing share, respectively.

Pursuant to the 2015 Stability Law, IGRUE has become the sole accounting centre for management of all Cohesion Policy resources: Structural Funds 2007-2013 (EU funding and national co-financing), Cohesion Action Plan (resources cut off from co-financing 2007-2013), Structural Funds 2014-2020 (EU funding and national co-financing), complementary interventions (resources cut off from co-financing 2014-2020), and Italy’s Development and Cohesion Fund.