
Cohesion Policy Department

The Cohesion Policy Department supports the President of the Council of Ministers for inter-institutional coordination between the European Union and State and regional administrations, on economic and financial programming and territorial allocation of Structural Funds and Italy’s Development and Cohesion Fund. In detail, the Department promotes and coordinates the programmes and interventions financed; collects and processes information and data on their implementation; supervises their assessment and submits proposals to CIPE. The Department is also in charge of monitoring Cohesion Policy implementation, supervising the Territorial Cohesion Agency, and, in order to ensure effective use of resources, performing preliminary inquiries for the exercise of substitute powers (Art. 12 of Decree-Law No. 133/2014), and activating and coordinating Institutional Development Contracts (CISs).

The Cohesion Policy Department was established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers pursuant to DPCM dated 15 Dec. 2014 and was entrusted with the tasks previously assigned to the Department for Development Policies within the Ministry for Economic Development.