
National actors

The need to strengthen administrative capacity in the management of EU funds called for a new institutional governance framework on Cohesion Policy, which entrusts the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Territorial Cohesion Agency with programming, coordinating, supervising and accompanying Cohesion Policy in Italy.

Besides the Agency, several institutional entities operate in the new framework, namely the Cohesion Policy Department, two technical Units for evaluation, an ad-hoc governing body, the Cohesion Action Group, DIPE (economic policy programming and coordination department), and the Inspectorate General for Financial Relations with the European Union – IGRUE (the sole accounting centre for management of all resources).

Operational Programmes are entrusted to Management Authorities (MAs), which may delegate some tasks to intermediate bodies – the State may exercise this function for some specific NOPs. The MAs are aided by Certifying Authorities (CAs) and Audit Authorities (AAs).

The body in charge of implementing operations financed by Italy’s FSC (Development and Cohesion Fund) and accomplishing their concrete execution is referred to as “Implementing Body” (public or private), which may coincide with the Managing Authority.

Actors and Bodies

  • Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR
  • Cohesion Policy Department
  • Governing Body
  • DIPE (economic policy programming and coordination department)
  • Cohesion Action Group
  • Inspectorate General for Financial Relations with the European Union (IGRUE)
  • Managing Authority
  • Certifying Authority
  • Audit Authority
  • Intermediate Bodies