The 2007-2013 programming period
The proposal for a general regulation on EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 sets out a strategic approach and an organic connection between Cohesion Policy and Member States’ national strategies. To this end, Italy submitted to the European Union a National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) aimed at directing the Cohesion Policy resources allocated to our Country, both within southern and central-northern Regions.
With the Guidelines approved on 3 February 2005, the State, Regions and Local Authorities undertook to further unify, via the above Framework, EU and national regional policies, enhance their links with ordinary national policies, and define the key aims underlying the Framework.
The Guidelines also established a three-phase process: assessment of 2000-2006 results and strategic vision of central and regional governments; policy debate between central and regional governments; and Framework drafting. Strong interaction with socio-economic partners and local authorities’ representatives was provided for at all stages.
During the first phase (which ended in 2005), each Autonomous Region and Province and all Central Administrations defined their own preliminary strategic documents (National Preliminary Strategic Document, and Regional Strategic Documents).
Italy’s Mezzogiorno Regions issued, in coordination with the Department for Development and Cohesion Policies, a unified document titled “Guidelines for a new Mezzogiorno Programme” and held ad-hoc thematic seminars.
The second phase focused on the interaction between government levels and socio-economic parties within thematic tables and working groups, and production of joint documents. A technical-administrative draft of the Framework was then jointly drawn up by the parties.
The Framework is complemented with other preliminary documents by the Department for Development Policies and additional Administrations.
The Italian proposal for a National Strategic Framework on 2007-2013 regional development policy, finalised upon conclusion of negotiations with Brussels, was approved by the European Commission via Decision dated 13 July 2007.
2007-2013 Operational Programmes
2007-2013 programming closure – Certified expenditure synthesis