
Institutional Development Contracts

Institutional Development Contracts (Contratti Istituzionali di Sviluppo – CIS) are aimed at enhancing territories by means of:

  • Investments developed through individual interventions that are functionally interlinked and require an integrated approach;
  • Infrastructural works of national, interregional and regional relevance, functional to Country’s territorial cohesion and balanced development.

Institutional Development Contracts are agreements between Ministries, Regions and implementing parties (RFI and ANAS) to accelerate the construction of large infrastructures deemed as strategic and of national relevance.

Institutional Development Contracts promote territorial cohesion of underutilised areas while ensuring public spending quality. The Contracts lay out intervention projects (type, costs, implementation times, etc.), responsibilities of contractors, evaluation and monitoring criteria, and penalties for any delays or non-compliance.

The Territorial Cohesion Agency, in charge of coordinating and supervising Contracts implementation, intends to communicate in a clear and transparent manner the progress accomplished over time.

The sections below provide citizens with information on each intervention, expected costs, expenditure incurred, implementation phase, time schedules, and results achieved.

Institutional Development Contract on Messina-Catania-Palermo Railway

Institutional Development Contract on Napoli-Bari-Lecce-Taranto Railway

Institutional Development Contract on Salerno-Reggio Calabria Railway

Institutional Development Contract on SS Sassari-Olbia Adjustment