
Tools and Programmes

The Partnership Agreement establishes, for each EU Member State, the strategic framework for 2014-2020 national programming of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.

The Funds included in the Partnership Agreement are to be implemented through Operational Programmes drawn up by the Member States or related designated authorities. These programmes are supplemented with so-called complementary programmes funded via national co-financing resources.

The European Commission adopted the Partnership Agreement with Italy on 29 October 2014 via Implementing Decision C(2014) 8021 final, recently revised by Implementing Decision C(2018) 598 final of 8 February 2018. The amendments to the Partnership Agreement mainly concern the inclusion of additional €1.6 billion Structural Funds (of which €1 billion from the ERDF and € 0.6 billion from the ESF), allocated via Decision (EU) 2016/1941, and broken down as follows: €1,057.9 million to less developed regions, €404.3 million to transition regions, and €183 million to more developed regions.

The Partnership Agreement also provided for the establishment of the “Committee for monitoring and accompanying 2014-2020 Programmes implementation”, composed of representatives from all central Administrations in charge of funds and/or cross-cutting priorities, and all the Managing Authorities of national and regional operational programmes. The Committee is open to the participation of socio-economic partners and is supported by the Mezzogiorno Sub-Committee and the Monitoring and Control Sub-Committee.

Major instruments for national Cohesion Policy include Institutional Development Contracts, Development Pacts and the Framework Programme Agreement (APQ).