Cohesion Policy Strategies
The Territorial Cohesion Agency disseminates information and communications on the implementation of the national programming established in the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, fostering connections with the most important national policies and development plans, such as the: Digital Agenda, European Urban Agenda, National Smart Specialisation Strategy, National Strategy for “Inner Areas”, Italian Bioeconomy Strategy, and Integrated Maritime Policy and Strategy.
The Common Strategic Framework (CSF) is a key working document issued by the European Commission in 2012 to guide programming and sectoral and territorial coordination of interventions financed by the European Development and Investment Funds and the Cohesion Fund. The CSF sets out Europe 2020 Strategy objectives in the so-called “thematic objectives” underpinning the 2014-2020 programming.

European Digital Agenda
The European Digital Agenda is one of the 7 pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which sets out the EU's growth objectives by 2020. The aim of the Digital Agenda is to leverage the potential of ICT technologies to foster innovation, progress and economic growth, with the main objective of developing the Digital Single Market.
National Urban Agenda
The National Urban Agenda identifies the key development issues directly involving cities. Among the priorities of the National Urban Agenda are poverty, spatial and social segregation, demographic change, and renewable energy. Within Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, at least 5% of the ERDF resources are allocated to urban areas via integrated actions for Sustainable Urban Development.
National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS)
The National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS), ex-ante conditionality for R&I investments, is absolutely innovative for Italy, as it finally enables the Country to rely on an ad-hoc R&I policy based on participatory governance. The NSSS enhances interrelationships between public administrations, research institutions, industry and civil society.
National Strategy for Inner Areas
The National Strategy for “Inner Areas” sets out direct action for sustainable territorial competitiveness, to counter, in the medium term, the demographic decline characterising “Inner Areas” throughout the Country. The aim is to create new income opportunities, ensure access to essential services (local public transport, education, and social and healthcare assistance), and enhance territory maintenance.
National Strategy for confiscated assets rehabilitation through Cohesion Policy
Macro-regional Strategies
A "macro-regional strategy" is an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council, which can be supported, inter alia, by the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds to address common challenges faced by a defined geographical area encompassing both EU Member States and third countries, thus benefiting from enhanced cooperation and contributing to economic, social and territorial cohesion.
Italian Bioeconomy Strategy
In October 2017, the governing body of Italy’s Development and Cohesion Plan (Cabina di Regia - FSC) approved the Italian Bioeconomy Strategy, which promotes “contamination” between the economic activity and technological development domains of NSSS thematic areas such as "Health, Food and Life Quality" and "Sustainable and Smart Industry, Energy and Environment". The related strategic plans were also approved – namely Agrifood* and Bio-based Industry**.
S3P Agrifood
The Smart Specialisation Platform for the Agrifood sector (S3P Agrifood) aims to foster and speed up joint investment projects in Member States by encouraging and supporting interregional cooperation within priority areas related to agriculture and food. S3P Agrifood will be co-developed and co-driven by regions, ensuring active participation and engagement of enterprises and business organisations, as well as research institutions, academia and civil society.
Bio-based Industry
The Bio-based Industries Joint Technology Initiative (BBI JTI) is a €3.7 billion public-private partnership (€975 million of Horizon 2020 funds and €2.7 billion of private investment, respectively) between the EU and the consortium of biomass-based industries.
Integrated Maritime Policy and Strategy
Joint action at European level can provide significant added value in pursuing objectives such as interconnection of maritime industries and activities. By encouraging national authorities to exchange data, such joint action can contribute to EU's international competitiveness, resource efficiency, job creation, and development of new sources for further development, protecting marine and coastal ecosystems.