
Regional and National Operational Programmes 2014-2020

Operational Programmes (OPs) set out the strategic priorities each Member State lays down in its Partnership Agreement, itemised by sector and territory. Broken down into National Operational Programmes (NOPs) and Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs), OPs benefit from the resources of one or more Structural Funds, outlining the specific objectives within priority axes, on a multi-annual basis. The entity responsible for each OP is referred to as “Managing Authority” and may be either a Member State itself or a public/private body designated by the Member State.

The 2014-2020 EU programming cycle provides for the implementation of 75 Operational Programmes in Italy co-financed by the 4 European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), and the Maritime and Fisheries Policy Fund (EMFF). Further information is set out in the Section below.

National Operational Programmes

National Operational Programmes (NOPs) are managed at national level and implemented across national territories. Each NOP aims at addressing a major thematic issue for the country, corresponding to one or more of the Objectives defined at EU level for Structural Funds use. The thematic areas identified by Italy’s NOPs for the 2014-2020 programming period are: infrastructure, culture, legality, business, research, urban policies, governance, social inclusion, youth, employment, school, rural development, and fisheries.

Regional Operational Programmes

Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs), entrusted to local Administrations (Regions or Autonomous Provinces), are either mono-fund or multi-fund (e.g. “Puglia” ROP, funded by the ERDF-ESF), and relate to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD RDP), depending on the types of funds made available to beneficiary Regions.


How to use the interactive map

Regional Operational Programmes 2014-2020. Please point the cursor onto each Region and information on the related funding will be displayed. By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the site of each funding. For ESF and ERDF resources, the amounts allocated to each Region are displayed across the interactive map.

National Operational Programmes 2014-2020. The funds related to each National Operational Programme (NOP) are displayed in the map; by clicking on them you will be redirected to the single websites.

Complete list of the 75 Regional and National Operational Programmes, and links to each Programme

From the “Documents” Section you can download the full list of National and Regional Operational Programmes 2014-2020, and visualise contents broken down by Programme – Fund – Site – Managing Authority – Link to the Programme.
