Statistical data on Cohesion Policy
Cohesion Policy monitoring
The EU resources allocated to Italy through the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds amount to €46,463 million, of which €33,675 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI).
OpenCoesione is the open-government portal on Cohesion Policy in Italy, funded by the “Governance & Capacità istituzionale” NOP. Data on individual projects in the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming cycles are accessible through interactive maps and visualisations, and can be downloaded in open-data format for free re-use, with details on: resources allocated and expenses, sites, thematic areas, programming and implementing actors, and implementation times.
Statistics and territorial indicators
The factsheets and statistical annex, issued by Office 5 of the Projects and Instruments Area at the Territorial Cohesion Agency, provide an overview of the indicators on the demographic, economic and social context of autonomous regions and provinces, together with data on both national and EU Cohesion Policy resources in the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming cycles.
The Territorial Public Accounts system (Conti Pubblici Territoriali – CPT) is in charge of measuring and analysing, at a regional level, the financial flows of public administrations and all the bodies belonging to the enlarged public sector, which includes central and territorial entities and State-owned enterprises that produce public utility services. The main objective of the CPT system is to reconstruct, with a historical series since 2000, consolidated cash accounts of expenditure and revenue of the enlarged public sector, which can be consulted through various methods and itemised by dimensions (reference year, territorial unit, reference administration, typology of subject, economic categories and sectors), as well as provide analyses primarily on development expenditure, in support of public policies.
The database activated within the covenant between the “Governance & Capacità istituzionale” NOP and Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) sets out 324 indicators (268 + 56 gender-related) at regional and sub-regional level, broken down by thematic area and reference programming area. Historical series in most cases go from 1995 to the latest available year. Data, metadata and indicators are updated on a monthly basis.
The atlas is an online platform, activated within the covenant between the “Governance & Capacità istituzionale” NOP and Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics), which offers all available statistical information complemented with municipal details. The atlas sets out data from various sources (censuses, surveys, administrative data), broken down by thematic area and sub-area, which can be aggregated and consulted based on multiple territorial dimensions (administrative, statistical, functional, morphological or user-customised).
Data, metadata, and indicators provided under the covenant between the “Governance & Capacità istituzionale” NOP and ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), on: air pollution, air and water quality, coastal protection, soil consumption and land fragmentation, management of contaminated sites, biodiversity, quality of urban waste management services, and environmental impacts of production sectors.
The 21 regional reports, produced under the covenant between the “Governance & Capacità istituzionale” NOP and UnionCamere, offer an innovative reading of territorial economic dynamics through the integration, systematisation and use of data of the Register of Companies of the Chambers of Commerce and other chamber sources, together with information and statistical sources of the Territorial Cohesion Agency.
Financial Instruments
- Report on financial instruments co-financed by the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds
The Report and the statistical annex, produced by Office 5 of the Projects and Instruments Area, lay down credit market dynamics, financial instruments programming, instruments implementation with procedural and financial details at the level of individual measure, and system actions undertaken by the Agency to promote strategic convergence.
Timing of public works implementation
The data, produced by the Verification and Control Unit (NUVEC) – Sector 3, relate to the time required to carry out public works in Italy, the time required to go through individual phases, as well as the time required for expenditure progression. Data also compare the performance of single regional territories and single administrations in charge of implementing the projects.
- VISTO – Interactive visualisation of time estimates for public works
It is an operational tool provided by the Verification and Control Unit (NUVEC) – Sector 3, to estimate the duration of main implementation phases in real time (three levels of project-designing, commissioning, works) of a generic public work based on its main characteristics: cost, sector, location, etc.