
NextGenerationEU and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

5 Maggio 2021-

The European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have agreed upon a recovery plan that will help the European Union repair the socio-economic damage caused by the coronavirus health emergency and lay the foundations to make the economies and societies of European countries more sustainable, resilient and prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the ecological and digital transition: an investment in the future of Europe and its Member States to restart after the Covid-19 emergency.

With the start of the 2021-2027 programming period and the targeted reinforcement of the EU’s long-term budget, the focus is now on the new Cohesion Policy and on NextGenerationEU, a €750 billion temporary financial instrument designed to stimulate a “sustainable, uniform, inclusive and equitable recovery” to enable meeting unexpected needs. It is the largest ever EU-funded package aimed at boosting the economy.

The whole initiative of the European Commission relies on three pillars:

  1. Supporting Member States for investments and reforms
  2. Boosting the EU economy by stimulating private investment
  3. Drawing lessons from the crisis.

This is the context for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the tool that outlines the objectives, reforms and investments that Italy intends to implement through NextGenerationEU funds to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic and make Italy a fairer, greener and more inclusive country, with a more competitive, dynamic and innovative economy.

The actions are designed to overcome the socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and build a new Italy, equipping it with the necessary tools to face the environmental, technological and social challenges of both today and tomorrow.

The Plan is broken down into 6 Missions, which cover the structural “thematic” areas of intervention.

  1. Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture, and tourism
  2. Green revolution and ecological transition
  3. Sustainable mobility infrastructure
  4. Education and Research
  5. Inclusion and Cohesion
  6. Health.

On 15 December 2021, the European Commission launched the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard, a public online platform to track progress in the implementation of the whole Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and individual national recovery plans.

The Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard website includes sections on the achievement of the Facility’s targets and objectives and disbursements. Furthermore, it provides specific data compiled by the European Commission – e.g. expenditure by sector, and a breakdown of green, digital and social expenditure under the Facility. The Scoreboard also provides qualitative information through thematic analyses of plan implementation within specific policy areas.

To access NextGenerationEU resources, Member States are called upon to define their national recovery plans, which will entitle them to receive funds under the RRF.

ITALY’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan

On 5 May 2021, the text of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan submitted by the Italian Government to the European Commission – titled “Italia Domani” (Italy Tomorrow) – was published on the website of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Plan’s budget amounts to overall €235 billion, including both European and national resources.

On 22 June 2021, the European Commission published the proposal for a Council implementing decision, providing an overall positive assessment of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The proposal is complemented with a detailed analysis of the Plan (EC Working Document)The European Commission approves Italy’s EUR 191.5 billion National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

On 13 July 2021, Italy’s Plan was definitively approved via Council Implementing Decision, which transposed the European Commission’s proposal. Attached to the Decision is an extensive annex (in Italian) defining, in relation to each investment and reform, precise objectives and targets as well as their related timeframes. Successful and timely achievement is necessary in order to receive, on a six-month basis, the allocated resources. Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Ecofin’s green light to national recovery plans funded by NextGenerationEU (EU post-pandemic plan), including the Italian one.


“Italia Domani” (Italy Tomorrow), the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Calls, notices and other public procedures for presentation and selection of projects under Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Italia Domani #inFatti – The first newsletter entirely dedicated to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

National Recovery and Resilience Plan – EC green light to the second €21 billion instalment (27 September 2022)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Financial Procedures Circular (26 July 2022)

ReGiS: How to fulfil monitoring, reporting and control obligations for measures and projects financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

National Recovery and Resilience Plan – 45 targets achieved in the first half of 2022 (29 June 2022)

Circulars on National Recovery and Resilience Plan monitoring and reporting – How to feed the ReGiS system

“Capacity Italy”, technical desk for frontline administrations in National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation (20 June 2022)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan – June 2022 targets

National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation measures – Insights from the website of the Minister for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion

DECREE-LAW No. 36 of 30 April 2022 “Further urgent measures for National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation”

Italia Domani #inFatti – National Recovery and Resilience Plan information now via e-mail

National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Italy gets first €21 billion instalment (14 April 2022)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Budget Law 2022 and sustainable development

Corte dei Conti (Court of Auditors): First report on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation progress (31 March 2022)

NextGenerationEU: European Commission approves the preliminary assessment of Italy’s request for €21 billion under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (28 March 2022)

Scheduled controls on State Administrations management for 2022 and 2022-2024

Anci operational note on procurement and accounting rules for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is on line (3 March 2022)

European Commission gives green light to the first €21 billion instalment (28 February 2022)

Monday 28 February 2022 at the Morlacchi Theatre with Minister Giovannini


Hearing of Minister Franco on National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation progress (23 February 2022)

Culture, tourism, equal opportunities and infrastructure: National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Rome

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Technical assistance for public administrations in charge of interventions and implementing bodies (24 January 2022)

Operational arrangements between the European Commission and Italy

LAW No. 233 of 29 December 2021 –Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law No. 152 of 6 November 2021, laying down urgent provisions for National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation and prevention of mafia infiltration (21G00257) (Ordinary Supplement No. 48)

COORDINATED TEXT OF DECREE-LAW No. 152 of 6 November 2021 – Text of Decree-Law No. 152 of 6 November 2021 (Official Gazette – General Series – No. 265 of 6 November 2021) coordinated with Conversion Law No. 233 of 29 December 2021 (same Ordinary Supplement) on: Urgent provisions for National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation and prevention of mafia infiltration (21A07784) (Ordinary Supplement No. 48)


Territorial finance 2021 – Regions and territories, from health emergency to National Recovery and Resilience Plan (17 December 2021)

NextGenerationEU: European Commission launches the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard (15 December 2021)

Futura, the school for tomorrow’s Italy – National Recovery and Resilience Plan for education makes overall €17.59 billion available for reforms and investment plans (29 November 2021)

Notice for presentation of projects for rehabilitation and re-use of assets confiscated from the mafia under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (23 November 2021)

DECREE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS of 12 October 2021, internal organisation of the Task-Force established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Cohesion Policy Department)

DECREE-LAW No. 152 of 6 November 2021: Urgent provisions for National Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation and prevention of mafia infiltration (21G00166) (OJ General Series No. 265 of 06/11/2021)

DECREE dated 4 October 2021 – Organisation of the Task-Force for National Recovery and Resilience Plan interventions entrusted to the Minister for Public Administration (21A06283) (OJ General Series No. 256 of 26 October 2021)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Financial data and overview of resources and uses – Senate Dossier dated 3 November 2021

Technical instructions for selection of National Recovery and Resilience Plan projects (11 October 2021)

A new guide to “Italia Domani” by MEF – Ministry of Economy and Finance (15 October 2021)


“Italia Domani”, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (3 August 2021)

Recovery Plan: “Italia Domani” Portal launched (3 August 2021)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Governance and initial measures to strengthen administrative structures, and speed up and streamline procedures – COORDINATED TEXT OF DECREE-LAW No. 77 of 31 May 2021

“L’Italia riparte – Il Pnrr in sintesi – Linea Amica FORMEZ PA” (15 July 2021)

Ecofin’s green light to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (13 July 2021)

NextGenerationEU: European Commission approves Italy’s €191.5 billion National Recovery and Resilience Plan (22 June 2021)

“Bentornati al Sud!”: A video to relaunch Southern Italy (28 May 2021)

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan transmitted to the European Commission by Italy’s Government (5 May 2021)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: How the €82 billion allocated to Southern Italy will be invested (4 May 2021)

Video: National Recovery and Resilience Plan synthesis (5 May 2021)

Video: Focus on Mission 1 – Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism

Video: Focus on Mission 2 – Green revolution and ecological transition

Video: Focus on Mission 3 – Sustainable mobility infrastructure

Video: Focus on Mission 4 – Education and Research

Video: Focus on Mission 5 – Inclusion and Cohesion

Video: Focus on Mission 6 – Health

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Government sent the text to Parliament (26 April 2021)

Recovery Plan  – Piano per la ripresa dell’Europa


NextGenerationEU – Post-COVID19 Recovery Package (Infographic)

EU Budget 2021-2027 and Recovery Plan (Infographic)

Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (18 February 2021)

Survey: Seven out of ten Italians are optimistic about the EU recovery plan (12 February 2021)

The EP gives green light to the €672.5 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility (10 February 2021)

Dossier by the Chamber of Deputies (26 January 2021)

NextGeneration-Italy, the plan to design the Country’s future (18 January 2021)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan approved by the Council of Ministers on 12 January 2021

EU budget: European Commission welcomes adoption of EU long-term budget for 2021-2027 (28 December 2020)

Svimez 2020 Report: From Cohesion Policy and Recovery Fund resources an opportunity to relaunch Southern Italy’s economy (26 November 2020)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Challenges, missions, actions (23 September 2020)

National Recovery and Resilience Plan Guidelines – Document approved by CIAE (Italy’s Interministerial Committee for European Affairs) (16 September 2020)

Recovery Fund and NextGenerationEU: Restarting after Covid-19 emergency (3 June 2020)

Documents from the EU

Dossier Correlati