
National Communicators Network for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Rete comunicatori FESR

Communication plays a key role in spreading knowledge on the European Union and its policies and, therefore, in ensuring the necessary participation of society in the construction and implementation of Cohesion Policy.

For this reason, the European Union has always encouraged and supported the creation of communicators’ networks at the European and national levels, including through regulatory dictate.

Since its establishment, the Territorial Cohesion Agency has performed as the national coordinator of the ERDF communicators’ network.

Some history

The national ERDF Communicators’ Network in Italy was established in 2005 upon initiative and under the coordination of the then Department for Development and Cohesion Policies (DPS – Dipartimento per le politiche di sviluppo e coesione), within the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The main purpose of the Network was to foster the exchange of good practices among the communication managers of the several Operational Programmes co-financed under the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds. Over the years, the Network has played a proactive role within the European network of ERDF-related INFORM Communicators.

With the transformation of the mentioned Department into the Territorial Cohesion Agency in 2013, the activity was transferred to the latter administration.

During the 2014-2020 programming period, the Network met regularly in order to face the challenges related to Cohesion Policy communication activities, stemming from the use of new technologies and exposed to the dissemination of not always correct and reliable information on European matters.

Within the same programming period, the ERDF Communicators’ Network together with the ESF Communicators’ Network and the staff of the Cohesion Policy Department offered support to the three National Communication Officers operating at the Territorial Cohesion Agency, ANPAL, and the Cohesion Policy Department, respectively.

The Network today

With the 2021-2027 programming period, the European Commission merged the previous European networks operating for the ERDF (INFORM) and for the ESF (INIO) into a single INFORM EU network also covering all the new Funds in the current programming period with the new National Communication Officer, Simona De Luca, from the Cohesion Policy Department. With reference to the new programming period, the Network drew up a proposal for a national communication strategy on European Funds, which envisages joint actions between all the institutional and non-institutional actors involved in the implementation of Cohesion Policy in Italy.

2021 – 2027 programming

EU Regulation 1060/2021 – Common Provisions applicable to Union Funds – Official Journal of the European Union 30 June 2021

Communicating 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy See document

The national logo for 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy


The national logo for 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy, presented and shared with the network of communicators of the ERDF and ESF+ Programmes, will accompany all central, regional and local administrations involved in Cohesion Policy implementation and stems from an indication of the European Commission aimed at favouring the preparation of a single visual identity – easily and immediately recognisable – for the communication initiatives related to all the programmes of the 2021-2027 cycle.

Customised patterns, graphic tools and a dedicated User’s Guide are available on the page of the single OpenCoesione Portal dedicated to Communication 2127.

The EU request also becomes a national opportunity to ensure a strong communication identity for Italy’s Cohesion Policy as a whole, and will involve Plans and Programmes funded by Cohesion Policy national resources.