

Manuals and tools to simplify and ease procedures are available in this section.

Logo and communication graphics – User manual

The Territorial Cohesion Agency displays the emblem of the Italian Republic and acknowledges it as the most effective reference to the constitutional values underlying the Agency’s institution. The emblem of the Republic is complemented with the words “Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale” on two lines, followed by a stripe with the colours of the Italian flag.

In order to ensure adequate consistency and distinguishability within institutional communication patterns, the Territorial Cohesion Agency (ACT) has devised a manual on its logo and communication graphics. The Manual clarifies the graphic layout of the ACT institutional emblem, the rules on its use in association with other logos, and the related settings in most widespread communication outputs. All authorised versions of the ACT official logo may be downloaded on this page.

The logo of the Territorial Cohesion Agency may be used by third parties only whereby authorised by the Agency.

Manual_Part 1

Manual_Part 2

Icons by Thematic Objectives

Manual for management of IT documents

The management manual is an operational tool describing the document production and management system (analogue and digital).

The document aims to illustrate procedures and provide instructions for correct training, management, keeping and conservation of analogue and digital documentation. It also describes how to manage document flows and archives, and arrange/administrate the documentation received, sent or otherwise produced by the Administration based on specific parameters for correct protocol recording, sorting, assignment, classification, collating, search and conservation of documents.

Download the Manual HERE

Appointment of the Document Manager and Conservation Manager (Decree No. 82/2020) HERE 

Appointment of the Document Manager and Conservation Manager (Decree No. 195/2018) HERE