Cohesion 30
30 years of investment in the future of European Regions

In 2018, EU Cohesion Policy celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Cohesion Policy has accompanied the evolution of the European Union: from the creation of the Single Market to the need to promote convergence and support the EMU, the following enlargements and, more recently, the need to respond to the migration crisis. In the future, Cohesion Policy will remain a priority for EU development: it will enable the EU to exploit globalisation and promote prosperous economies, caring societies and sustainable growth through innovation and skills.
2018 is the year to take stock and see what lied ahead. Throughout the year, the European Commission will organise events and exhibitions dedicated to the concrete attainments of Cohesion Policy made in the previous 30 years.
Among its achievements: growth, jobs, faster Internet, better accessibility, more and better hospitals, childcare and schools.
Every single European region drew on Cohesion Policy to take greater advantage of the opportunities created by the world’s largest internal market.
Eventually, 2018 Cohesion Policy learned from the successes and mistakes of the past, and was able to continuously adapt to new times while remaining faithful to its original principles: support for most disadvantaged regions, multiannual programming, strategically targeted investment, and involvement of regional and local partners.