
Communication campaigns

The section illustrates the communication campaigns carried out by the Agency, also in cooperation with other Italian and European institutions, aimed at disseminating the results of Cohesion Policy and providing examples of good practices.

The communication campaigns were implemented through several institutional communication channels.

News from the Programmes

Take part in the digital glossary and propose a EU Cohesion Policy word to be explained on social channels.

  • The Words of Cohesion

    "The Words of Cohesion" is the Agency's website section dedicated to simplifying the language of Cohesion Policy.

  • The Figures of Cohesion

    "The Figures of Cohesion" is the Agency's section dedicated to data and indicators on the progress of Cohesion Policy.

  • The word is yours

    "News from the Programmes" is the Territorial Cohesion Agency's new social communication campaign to tell people about the projects implemented with European Funds.

  • EU in my Region

    The EU communication campaign, an opportunity to find out what the EU does to improve citizens' lives (May 2018 – May 2019).

  • Cohesion 30

    In 2018, the EU Cohesion Policy celebrates its 30th anniversary.

  • 60 projects for 60 years

    60 projects co-financed by the Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds of the European Union are at the centre of the communication campaign, carried out by the Territorial Cohesion Agency.