The Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors, hereinafter “the Board”, is appointed via decree issued by the President of the Council of Ministers (or by the political authority, whereby delegated). Pursuant to Article 16 of Law No. 196 dated 31 December 2009, the Board of Auditors is composed of a Chair (appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers), plus two members, one designated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the other by the “Permanent Conference for the relationship between the State, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano”, respectively.
The members of the Board are either singled out in the Register of Statutory Auditors or selected among professionals that fulfill adequate requisites. An alternate member is also appointed. The members of the Board remain in office for three years and may only be reconfirmed once. The fees paid to the members of the Board are established via decree issued by the President of the Council of Ministers, in cooperation with the Minister of Economy and Finance, and are charged onto the Agency’s budget.
As per Article 2399 of the Italian Civil Code, the members of the Board of Auditors shall not participate, in any way whatsoever, in activities linked to the institutional tasks performed by the Agency or by other entities carrying out tasks however connected to the Agency’s activities.