Civic access
Simple civic access and general civic access (FOIA)
Civic Access (whether “simple” or “general”) allows anyone to access public administrations’ data, documents and information without having to prove a legitimate interest (Art. 5(2) and Art. 5-bis of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013 as amended by Legislative Decree No. 97/2016 and Law No. 241 of 7 August 1990) – ANAC (National Anti-Corruption Authority) Guidelines (Resolution 1309 of 28 December 2016).
Simple civic access shall be limited to acts, documents and information subject to publication obligations, while general civic access may be exercised for data and documents held by public administrations other than those specifically subject to publication obligation. The right shall be exercised free of charge by filling in the form provided. The right of access to administrative documents provided for by Law No. 241/1990 and subsequent amendments shall remain in force; such right is recognised to anyone who has an interest in it, within the framework of an administrative procedure, for protection of legally relevant situations.
Compliance Officer for Civic Access at the Territorial Cohesion Agency
Dr. Giulia AMATO
Via Sicilia 162/c – 00187 Rome
Telephone: (+39) 06 9651 7670
Certified e-mail address (pec):
Regulatory references
National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) Guidelines
Legislative Decree No. 97 of 25 May 2016
Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013
Simple Civic Access – Terms and Conditions
Applications may be transmitted via e-mail/fax or by hand pursuant to Art. 38 of President of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 445 of 28 December 2000. If the application is transmitted electronically, a copy of the applicant’s identity document shall be attached.
The form for simple civic access (docx file) must be filled in and submitted alternatively to one of the following offices:
- Compliance Officer for Civic Access, Dr. Giulia Amato:;
- Office holding data, information or documents (“Organisation – Offices”) and their addresses.
General civic access – Terms and Condition (FOIA)
Applications may be transmitted via e-mail/fax or by hand pursuant to Art. 38 of President of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 445 of 28 December 2000. If the application is transmitted electronically, a copy of the applicant’s identity document shall be attached.
The form for general civic access (docx file) must be filled in and submitted alternatively to one of the following offices:
- Office holding the data, information or documents (“Organisation – Offices”)
- Compliance Officer for Civic Access, Dr. Giulia Amato:
Citizens’ exercise of the right to information, access and participation as per Law No. 241 of 7 August 1990 (so-called “documentary access”) shall remain in force.
Please Note: Applications must exclusively concern request for documents, information or data falling within the Agency’s remit.
Record of Access
The Agency shall publish the list of requests for documentary access, simple civic access and general civic access, indicating the subject, the request date, and the outcome and date of the decision.