
Accessibility and data catalog, metadata and databases


Computer accessibility refers to the accessibility of a computer system to all people, regardless of disability type or severity of impairment. Accessibility features are meant to make the use of technology (specialised hardware or software, or a combination of both) less challenging for those with sensory, motor and/or psychic disabilities or impairments (both temporary and/or permanent). If, for private individuals, the accessibility of a website is an issue addressed or not upon discretion of webmasters, as far as public administration websites are concerned, Law No. 4 of 9 January 2004 “Measures to promote access by persons with disabilities to computer devices” and subsequent amendments and integrations applies. The Law, better known as the “Stanca Law” makes it compulsory for public administration websites to comply with accessibility standards.


Usability is a concept defined by the 9241 Standard “Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs)” by ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation), as “the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction within a specified context of use”.  In practice, usability defines the degree of user satisfaction and utility within the human-computer/device interaction.

Open Data

The dissemination of information using open data formats can open new scenarios and new opportunities in terms of:

  • greater transparency of public administration;
  • better access to information by citizens;
  • creation of new products and services by enterprises.

Open data enable reprocessing and using information to create innovative services: individuals and enterprises can therefore transform public administration databases into user-friendly apps for mobile devices, as often takes place both abroad and in Italy.

The basic idea, implemented in our Country by the Digital Administration Code, is to enhance the value of public data collected and processed by public administrations by explicitly allowing for their reuse.

All the open data disseminated by Italian public administrations are collected on the Portal

Go to the OpenCoesione Portal.