
Opportunities and tenders


This section is dedicated to the prevention of corruption.

Operational Programmes managed by the Agency

The Territorial Cohesion Agency

In order to ensure successful accomplishment of the purposes set out in Article 119(5) of Italy’s Constitution, the Territorial Cohesion Agency promotes economic and social development of Italian territories by: strengthening Cohesion Policy programming, coordination, monitoring, and support actions; supervising and accompanying the implementation of programmes and projects; and enhancing interinstitutional cooperation and strategic partnerships between the parties involved, so as to bridge territorial gaps across the Country.

“Governance e Capacità Istituzionale” NOP

For a Public Administration that is more efficient, effective and close to territories, citizens and businesses. The National Operational Programme “Governance e Capacità Istituzionale” 2014-2020 (ESF/ERDF) invests in the strategic priorities of PA strengthening and innovation. The funded interventions concern competences, organisational and service supply methods, technological tools and solutions, interinstitutional cooperation, and multi-level governance.

Cohesion Policy resources 2014-2020

This section publishes the tenders, calls and opportunities offered by the Agency.

The “Città Metropolitane” NOP

The “Città Metropolitane” NOP 2014-2020 NOP (a.k.a. “PON Metro”) is a programme of interventions for sustainable urban development and involves Italy’s 14 metropolitan cities. Unique in the European programming panorama, the “Metro” NOP focuses its interventions (ESF-ERDF) on: digital transformationenergy efficiency;mobility; and services and infrastructures for social inclusion.

Cohesion Strategies and Instruments

“Inner Areas”

The National Strategy for “Inner Areas” is a national policy with strong local relevance, which works to promote the wealth and diversity preserved in the most remote places of the Country, improving the quality of services to citizens and stimulating the skills of people living in these areas to conceive and implement new paths for innovation and change.

Special Economic Zones

The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were established in 2017 with the "Decreto Mezzogiorno" (“Mezzogiorno Decree”) to boost growth in Southern Italy by supporting enterprises through tax credits and incentives.

Institutional Development Contracts

The Institutional Development Contracts (Contratti Istituzionali di Sviluppo – CIS) are agreements between Ministries, Regions and implementing bodies (Italian Railways Network (RFI) and ANAS) aimed at accelerating the construction of major railway and motorway infrastructures deemed as strategic for the Country.

Territorial Public Accounts

The Territorial Public Accounts system (Conti Pubblici Territoriali – CPT) measures and analyses the financial flows of income and expenditure of public administrations and of all entities belonging to the enlarged public sector component (consortia, State-owned enterprises, and foundations).

National strategy for re-use of confiscated assets through Cohesion Policy

"A modern anti-mafia policy must be focused not only on personal repression, but, even before that, on countering mafia’s wealth. Undoubtedly a central role is to be assigned to the system for management and destination of confiscated assets, enhancing its efficiency so as to promote the reaffirmation of legality and consolidate the development of territories scarred by mafia phenomena."

Development Pacts

The Agency is called upon to contribute, in coordination with regional and local authorities, to implementing the Government's investment initiatives. Through the Development Pacts, the Government, the Regions and the Metropolitan Cities commit themselves to specific priority objectives and set deadlines for their implementation.

The 2030 Plan for Southern Italy

It is a multi-year project worth over €123 billion for the relaunch of Southern Italy and the rest of the Country, designed to reduce the gaps at citizen and territorial level across the Country, and restart a stronger and more sustainable development path.

Services and applications

Countering educational poverty – Access to funding

In order to counter educational poverty, a selection procedure is launched to grant the allocated resources from Italy’s Development and Cohesion Fund (Fondo Sviluppo e Coesione – FSC) for implementation of socio-educational projects in favour of children.

European Documentation Centre – Library

In harmony with the mission of the Territorial Cohesion Agency, the European Documentation Centre (EDC) provides information and documentation, and contact service with the European Union Information Networks and Documentation Centres in Italy and Europe.

Mosaic (restricted access)

“Mosaic” is the Agency's online collaboration platform. This virtual space is composed of sections and tools for exchanging information and building sharing and collaboration processes.